• May 31, 2023

Admission essay pointers

College admission essays are crucial because that is how admission staff gets to know applicants without ever meeting them. Bear in mind that admission essays are fundamentally different from essays that applicants normally write in high school. Here are several pointers to help craft a memorable essay:

  • May 7, 2023

Red flags

When the admissions staff at elite colleges have to examine an ever increasing number of applications without the benefit of more time, it comes as no surprise that applications are rejected more quickly. With that in mind, here are some items that can be perceived as red flags when they review applications:

  • April 30, 2023

Early vs. regular acceptance rates (class of 2026)

As a follow-up to the previous post, here are examples of the difference in acceptance rates between the two application phases.

Early acceptance rateRegular acceptance rate
Brown University14.6%3.6%
Columbia University10.3%3%
Dartmouth College21.3%4.7%
Duke University21%4.6%
Harvard University7.9%2.3%
Yale University12.1%3.2%
  • April 23, 2023

Does going test optional make it easier to get in? And what to do?

In our opinion, no.  As it is, getting admitted is going from difficult to very, very difficult. Perversely, the test optional movement may have contributed to that phenomenon, by significantly increasing the number of applications. In turn, acceptance rates plummet since the number of available spots did not increase accordingly (if at all). Low acceptance rates make elite colleges look more exclusive and it is easy to see how the cycle of increasing difficulty keeps going. One could argue that the elite colleges are the big winners. We believe that applicants should take the ACT (skip the essay) and the SAT, especially now that all testing centers are back in operation. Otherwise, a very compelling substitute narrative would be required.